Naima Morelli

Debut on video!

Sooo… updates from my life! In the middle of my usual freelance hustling and my book launch, I have also took a new collaboration on. I’m talking about my debut as video journalist for a news agency run by a cultural association in Rome, an experience which I find both exciting and challenging. The whole team is great; they are genuine, interesting and friendly people. Then of course, talking and doing interviews in front of a camera is a relatively new experience for me. Prior to that, I’ve only took part in a series of video interviews in artists’ studios, but here I’m basically presenting the whole thing. The guys have been merciful and my first report has been about an event at MAXXI, the contemporary art museum of Rome – so at least I was playing in my home court.

Another thing is that the webmagazine caters to young adults, teenagers and even kids. Now one thing is interviewing grown-ups (or supposedly grown-ups in the case of artists). It’s different when you interact with a noisy, harassing bunch of ten years old or even worse, get a shy little girl to say something. Luckily enough, I relied on my experience with kids at the beach in summer, when my friends and I where grabbing someone’s little brother ankles and wrists, and throw them into the waves, for their giggling delight and our sadistic appraisal. I was joking. This time around I’ve been very nice, as my simpering face in the picture above suggests.

So what the event was all about? It was a workshop called “Gloss me Over”, associated to the awesome exhibition “Bellissima”, which showed dresses that if it wouldn’t be for the security I’d have totally stolen for a set of Gioco di Donne. I must say, fashion in Italy in the ’50’s and ’60s was just the best. Then after the show, what all the children did was getting into a room and started making their own miniature dresses with fabric and paper. They were guided by a really engaging educator called Marialaura Lucantoni, and the results ended up being quite amazing. Valeria, the video operator and I tried to make dresses too, but ours were a fail compared to what the kids did. Aside from the children, I also asked some questions  to proud Roman mums and to the MAXXI stuff. It was good fun.

A side note. In the video I’ve notice that from behind my haircut looks like more like Nino D’Angelo than Nine D’Urso – such is life! So yeah, still keep on keepin’ on, getting out of my comfort zone and all that. In this first video I might sound and look funny, and that’s precisely why I’m not linking that video to you yet. But you just wait…

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  1. Trinity says: December 28, 201612:57 am

    Of all the beautiful things that we can spend our money on these days, we can count on very few to increase in value over the years. Furniture of true quality is one of the exceptions. Thanks for the great iniaomotfrn. Would love to win her book.

  2. express kredit kondisioner says: February 7, 20174:47 pm

    ineteressante!! pena eu nao ter investimento nenhum… hehe!e só pra constar, eu vi um erro de digitação… pode ter mais, mas esse eu vi. você escreveu ‘begin a hacker’, querendo escrever ‘being a hacker’. corrigi ae! até!grande abraço

  3. Red Naima says: May 23, 20195:00 pm

    […] I am with my inevitable red hat, in the third video realized by the news agency TeenPress. In a previous post I already mentioned my participation to this project by the association Arciragazzi Roma, […]

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