Naima Morelli

Tag "syria"
Diana Al Hadid [Diego Flores]

Musing around the work of an artist who draws her inspiration from multiple, diverse sources is always extremely enjoyable for me – especially if the artist’s references encounter my own, in a high-brow, low-brow dialogue.

In this piece I wrote about the outstanding work of Syrian-American artist Diana Al-Hadid, and read it in the light of both Buddhist philosophy and the Foo Fighters.

Here is the link to the piece

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For my first article for the webmagazine Middle East Eye I have realized an interview to Syrian artist and graphic novelist Hamid Sulaiman. It was a great chat about his work “Freedom Hospital” and his future projects going forward.

Here is the link to the interview

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Middle East Monitor has just published my article about Syrian artist Randa Maddah, whose work has recently been presented in the exhibition “A Hair Tie” at Gallery One in Ramallah, Palestine.

Here’s the link to the article

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