Naima Morelli

Tag "musical"


The Australian magazine Trouble has  just published the interview I had in Perth with artist Tarryn Gill. The interview is part of my reportage about the Perth Art Scene.

Here the link to the interview

Here the link to the online version of the magazine

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What’s up with your book?
Well, I just overcome the worst step of them all: ranking all the post-its I’ve made.
In the beginning writing all the information about Indonesian contemporary art on the post it notes sounded good.
I was reading essays, catalogues, articles and stuff about the topic and I would be able to write down the information I’ve just learned and all the references directly on the post its.Then I stuck them on the wall and that was that.
Sweet. And practical too.
After a while it became a mess, sort of yellow geographic map on the white sea of my wall. To find a single information was hell.
Yeah, it was the Post-it Pandemonium.

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