Naima Morelli

Tag "asia"

The webmagazine Cobo has just published my interview with Thai artist Jakkai Siributr. This particular conversation has really provided clarity to shed new light on the whole month-long reportage I did in Thailand at the beginning of the year.

I have found this happens every reportage. There is always one conversation that reveals a particular key to read the reality your are exploring, or throws in a few challenges and reflections that stay with me long after the field research is finished.

Often that key comes from a figure – like Jakkai in this case – who has extensive knowledge of both Eastern and Western contemporary art practices, and is able to bridge the two through the narrative of his life.

There are few others interview to go to conclude the material I have collected with this reportage in Thailand, and can’t wait to share it more with you. But for the time being…

Here is the link to the interview

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I’m forever passionate about the connections between Europe and Asia through culture. This time, we explore the power of cinematic language across continents with Italo Spinelli, director of Asiatica Film Festival in Rome, Italy, for Culture360.

Here is the link to the interview

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Culture360 – the webmagazine of the Asia-Europe Foundation – has just published my piece on independent curators bridging Asia and Europe (and also other parts of the world) through contemporary art.

I have met these three incredible women in several occasions; they are doing a very important and necessary work, filling gaps in understanding across cultures. Their practice and professional rigour inspires me greatly.

Here is the link to the piece

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Hong-Kong based webmagazine and collector’s platform CoBo has just published my latest article called “Being a collector as a lifestyle choice: Interview with Georgina Adam”.

Writer and journalist Georgina Adam is the author of “Big Bucks: The Explosion of the Art Market in the 21st Century”, an important book which does exactly what is says on the tin: retracing the history and the main players of the art market as we see and experience it today.

We talk about what are the consequences of this market explosion for collectors, the ’80s as the decade in which everything changed and more.

Here is the link to the interview

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Culture360, the webmagazine of the Asia-Europe Foundation has just published my interview to Ilaria Benini, editor of the Asia series of Turin’s publishing house ADD Editore. In the interview we discuss how ADD Editore is bridging Italy and Asia via literature.

Here is the link to the interview

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My article “Why must the East continue to be objectified? An interview with Indonesian artist Eddy Susanto” has just been published on the webmagazine Global Comment. This interview is part part of my reportage about contemporary art in Indonesia.

Here’s the link to the article

You can have more Eddy Susanto in my newly released book (in Italian)


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My interview with Xiaoyu Weng – director of Asia Programs at the Kadist Art Foundation in San Francisco and independent curator – has just been published on the Italian magazine Art a Part of Cult(ure) with the title “There is no such a thing as globalization in the art world”. In the interview we discuss exoticism in art, the role of the curator in bridging cultures and Xiaoyu’s approach to Asian art.

Here’s the link to the interview (in Italian)

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Art Monthly Australia published my review of  the art fair ART/JOG12 with the title “Montmartre of the east” in the Summer Issue 2012/2013.

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Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.
Non fatevi ingannare dalla bellezza del posto; dietro la luce che rende smeraldina l’erba, dietro le ranocchie spiaccicate sull’asfalto da jeep di passaggio e dietro le palme che sbadigliano sornione, c’è ancora tanto da fare, tanto da combattere.
Gede lo sa. Gede è nato qui e sua scelta di vita è stata quella di tornare a vivere ad Ubud, nelle risaie, dopo i suoi studi alla prestigiosa accademia d’arte nella capitale culturale dell’Indonesia, Yogyakarta.
Quello che rende la storia e l’arte di Gede così interessante è che, a differenza di molti artisti balinesi in fuga dell’isola o piegati al commerciale, lui ha deciso di rimanere e di condurre la sua battaglia sociale attraverso dipinti dalla satira feroce e plateali installazioni.
L’appuntamento è alla “Luden House”, un Warung/studio artistico inerpicato in una splendida zona di Ubud piena di ville in costruzione.
Se ancora avevo qualche dubbio su come trovare il posto, una grande scritta immacolata in mezzo alla risaia “NOT FOR SALE”, mi segnala di essere arrivata.
Gede, un ragazzo dal sorriso amichevole, si gode il sole ad uno dei tavoli fatto di copertoni verniciati di bianco – in Europa tale arredamento sarebbe già oggetto di design – mentre bambini allegri disegnano tutto intorno e ragazzine si fanno le foto davanti alla risaia.
Cominciamo a parlare in inglese, poi al momento di mostrarmi i suoi quadri, sceglie l’indonesiano.
Mi mostra questa serie di dipinti dove i protagonisti sono una rana avida, e un doberman.

– Di che si tratta questo lavoro?

Questa qui è una serie di cento quadri, non ancora terminata, concepiti come un fumetto. La storia parla di questa rana, rappresentante un po’ tutti i balinesi, che viene convinta da questo cane a vendere il proprio campo di riso.

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Luogo di coordinate 0:0, probabilmente in un fumetto.

Legata ad una sedia, in mano a scagnozzi mettiamo, chessò, russo-mongoli appassionati d’arte, pronti a scazzottarmi, sono costretta a rivelare cos’è, o meglio cosa ho scoperto, di quest’arte contemporanea indonesiana.

“Ma come faccio a dirvelo maledizione santa! L’arte contemporanea non si presta a definizioni, è fluida, non deve essere ingabbiata, non può…”
Il primo cazzotto arriva e quasi mi fa saltare i denti.
“Ci sono tanti artisti diversi, ognuno con la sua poetica, la sintesi, la sintesi cari signori, è depauperazione!”
Non capiscono la parola.
Gli sembra troppo scolastica.
Te lo chiedo un’ultima volta…
“Con le buone immagino…” rispondo sputando saliva vermiglia
… cosa cercavi in Indonesia?

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