Naima Morelli

A selection of books about Indonesian Contemporary Art


In these days I’m preparing the bibliography for my book about Indonesian Contemporary Art.
In the last year I have tried to read every single publication, magazine, website, brochure, article, blog post about art in Indonesia and, of course, try to speak to many people involved as possible.
These are some interesting books and catalogues that were important for me to start orientate in this world:


Indonesian Eye: Contemporary Indonesian Art, Milano, Skira Editore, 2011

The catalogue of the exhibition “Indonesian Eye” at the Saatchi Gallery in London. I first got this catalogue from the State Library in Rome and I started researching the names of the artists to interview from here.



Modern Indonesian Art – from Raden Saleh to Present Day, Bali, Koes Artbooks, 2010

I bumped into this big catalogue for the first time in the space Dia.Lo.Gue in Jakarta. You can find there a through account of the most important Indonesian artists and painter starting from Raden Saleh.



Dr. Oei Hong Djien, Art & Collecting Art, A Collection Of Writings, Jakarta, Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia in cooperation with and Djarum Foundation, 2012 

I bought this book at ART/JOG12, the Yogyakarta art fair. A week later I had the chance to interview Dr. Oei Djien in person and visit his museum in Magelang.
“Art and Collecting Art” gives you important insights in the Indonesian art world from one of his major collectors.



Contemporaneity: Contemporary Art in Indonesia, Shanghai, MOCA, 2010

Another red cover. I ordered this book on the internet, in a moment of crave for texts about Indonesia. This book is not just the catalogue of the exhibition “Contemporaneity” at the MOCA in Shanghai, but it also containes some interesting essays and interviews to artists.


  1. Vinnie says: December 28, 20163:08 am

    Thank you so much for hosting such an amazing event. You make it look so easy to gather such wonderful families and helpers into a spceatcular four hours, but we know it took a lot of effort and love.

  2. http://www./ says: January 17, 20179:24 pm

    Thanks for contributing. It’s helped me understand the issues.

  3. versicherung deutschland wiki says: February 2, 20173:51 pm

    that I do my best work after 8, but that does not make getting to work on time in the morning easy and I’ve had to learn to go to sleep earlier. Three things that have helped me tremendously are sticking to the same bedtime routine, so your body knows it’s time to switch off; keeping the room cool; and taking melatonin and magnesium supplements an hour or so before bedtime. Both supplements are great for helping you sleep and they are natural antidepressants, which is great for the characteristic morning grumpiness that many night owls inflict on their poor families, hehe.

  4. kredit anbieter vergleich vertrag says: February 7, 20173:22 pm

    Én is imádtam, amíg M.o.-n voltam ( ugyanis dolgoztam Bp.-en) , de érdekes, amióta hazajöttem, egyszer sem próbáltam ki, azt hiszem eljött az ideje, bíztosan a gyerekek is imádni fogják! Köszi , hogy eszembe juttattad!! :)

  5. autokredit arbeitslos ohne auskunft kostenlos says: February 11, 20172:39 pm

    On va faire quelque chose…Tu vas soit la rire TRÈS jaune ou te foutre de ma gueule après…Quand t’auras ton premier enfant là…Relis ce que je viens de dire plus haut…Relis ton propos…Pis on en rejasera…On va voir qui va rire de qui lol

  6. says: February 11, 20172:56 pm

    OTViii, I actually like your song choices. I loved the tune of the Gilbert O’Sullivan song when I was a wee little Midwest Girl (and still do), but have a feeling I didn’t sing all of the correct words to the song at the time it was popular, given the content of the words.Such a sad song, but a lovely tune. Thanks for putting this up.

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