Naima Morelli

Preview: Angelo Formica Solo Exhibition in Milan


In the chaos of an art fair is usually quite difficult to find some art work that attracts you straightaway. So was at the Roma Road to Contemporary Art Fair at MACRO Testaccio.
Actually, there was an exception.

Coming from Sorrento, a picturesque town near Naples, I was quite influenced by all the traditions, all the sort of stuff coming from people. The “Popolo”.
I never stop questioning about it. What is the Popolo? Does the Popolo really exist nowadays? What are the features of the Popolo?
From Jorge Amado to Pasolini, I enjoy the subject, that eventually became the topic of my thesis at the Academy of Fine Arts.

There’s one thing that a particularly like about the Popolo. It is how they mix the religion and the sacred with everyday life and how they show it through the objects.
Angelo Formica, the exception in the art fair I was talking about, takes this concept to the extreme with his artworks.
He mixes ex votos with ice creams, prayer cards with playing cards, religion depictions with rebus. I think that with a playful spirit he perfectly show the Popolo is. He don’t need too many tricky explanations.
I interviewed the Sicilian-based-in-Milan artist for the magazine Art a Part of Cult (ure), you can find the interview here.

His solo exhibition in Milan, called ” Ori e Quadri”, from February 5th to 28th, is an opportunity to see his works. The adress is Laboratorio VI.P. Via Menabrea 6 – Milano Isola.
Here you are a preview of the works that will be show in the exhibition:









Angelo Formica blog


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