Naima Morelli

July, 2023 Monthly archive

I have interviewed independent researcher, curator and artist Adam HajYahia for Al-Monitor.

Adam’s exploration of structural and hierarchical violence and its intersections with capitalist, colonial, sexual and social dynamics took material shape recently in an exhibition called “Carnal Politics: Sex, Desire and Anti-Colonial Deviance in Mandate Palestine.”

Here is the link to the article

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The work of Alessandra Ferrini [Image courtesy of the artist]

Middle East Monitor has just published my latest article titled: “Artist Alessandra Ferrini explores the complex relationship between Libya and Italy.”

The article is based on an interview with London-based Italian artist Alessandra Ferrini, who deepens the conversation around colonial and recent Libyan history, creating work about the manipulation of information, colonial memory, trauma and reparations.

Here is the link to the piece

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