Sooo… updates from my life! In the middle of my usual freelance hustling and my book launch, I have also took a new collaboration on. I’m talking about my debut as video journalist for a news agency run by a cultural association in Rome, an experience which I find both exciting and challenging. The whole team is great; they are genuine, interesting and friendly people. Then of course, talking and doing interviews in front of a camera is a relatively new experience for me. Prior to that, I’ve only took part in a series of video interviews in artists’ studios, but here I’m basically presenting the whole thing. The guys have been merciful and my first report has been about an event at MAXXI, the contemporary art museum of Rome – so at least I was playing in my home court.
I’m delighted to announce that my book “Arte Contemporanea in Indonesia” is finally out! You can buy it in all the major Italian online stores Amazon, Ibs, Feltrinelli, Rizzoli, you name it! You can also order it at your local bookshop! I’m beyond happy to finally hold in my hands the red-covered book and in these days I’m planning a few book presentations around Italy. I’ll keep you guys posted on that!
Buy book: Amazon – Ibs – Mondadori – Hoepli – Rizzoli – LaFeltrinelli – Ultima
More info on the book (in Italian)
Read MoreMy interview with Xiaoyu Weng – director of Asia Programs at the Kadist Art Foundation in San Francisco and independent curator – has just been published on the Italian magazine Art a Part of Cult(ure) with the title “There is no such a thing as globalization in the art world”. In the interview we discuss exoticism in art, the role of the curator in bridging cultures and Xiaoyu’s approach to Asian art.
Here’s the link to the interview (in Italian)
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Published! Interview with Eddy Susanto on Global Comment
My article “Why must the East continue to be objectified? An interview with Indonesian artist Eddy Susanto” has just been published on the webmagazine Global Comment. This interview is part part of my reportage about contemporary art in Indonesia.
Here’s the link to the article
You can have more Eddy Susanto in my newly released book (in Italian)

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